Making a Difference

There are some people who know how to follow their bliss and do something good for the world around them and themselves without having ulterior motives. Here are some stories that have inspired me:

These stories would probably have escaped my notice if I didn't know the young man profiled here. He is my sister's nephew and fought a courageous battle with leukemia, but always thinks about others first.
Player's Wish is a Dream Come True for Kamiak's Baseball Team by Kevin Dowd, The Seattle Times
Field of Dreams! Nate Wishes to Give Back via Make a Wish of Washington and Alaska

As a teacher I have been so inspired and moved by girls in the Middle East who risk so much for an education. This is a sharp contrast to many students in the US. Malala Yousafzay is representative of so many and her courage and grace are truly remarkable.
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2014, The Nobel Prize Official Web Site 

I suppose I am including this article because my first period students were profiled, but this had a remarkable impact on my school in December 2010.
Donor Gives Gigantic Boost to Food Drive, Stays Anonymous by Julie Muhlstein, The Everett Herald

There are a lot of wonderful TED videos out there, but this touched me deeply. I hope you will watch.
Caroline Casey: Looking past limits via TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

After seeing the following video on TED, I read Simon Sinek's book Start with Why. I found it thoughtful and inspiring.
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action via: TED: Ideas Worth Spreading 

A wonderful TED video on how followers can create leaders.
Derek Severs: How to Start a Movement via: TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

More to come....